Unfortunately I saw today a lebanese mother who just lost a husband and her two children were injured in the bombing.
I am from a generation who is sort of detached, not fully, but partially from what is known as the Middle East Crisis. I wonder who came up with this name. That is I assume that I am using the right words in English. My generation did not witness the evacuation of Palestinians from their land in the 1948, I have been told some stories of how things went then but I was never there. When I was a teenager I vaguely remember some attacks of the so called Israelis on Lebanon, the victims of which were mostly Palestinians who escaped their lands under the fire of the Jews years back. Later, after some years there were the attacks of Israelis (Jews) on Southern Lebanon.
Years followed and Peace talks started and the so called peace agreements were signed here and there. And you started to hear the international community talk about forgetting the past and helping generations to come forget all the hostility between the Arabs and the Israelis, mostly expecting Arabs to forgive and forget both their martyrs and their stolen lands.
But come again another aggression. Every where you turn these days you see dead lebanese children, and yet again, the blame is on them for being naughty, right.
I just want to ask do Israelis, Jews or whatever they want to call themselves want the Arabs to forgive and forget? Because they certainly don’t behave like it. It seems that they actually try their best that every generation witnesses some or other disaster caused by them, it’s like they are trying to tell us, we are here to kill you whenever we please. Well, I suppose we should be grateful that they have let us live for this long right!
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