Sunday, April 17, 2011

As I get older

I used to think that public display of affection is romantic. Now I think it is vulgar.
Now I think courteous gestures both in public and other wise are romantic.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Smooth mornings

Some mornings are wonderful. The baby eats, gets changed and bathed, and sleeps calmly. The older children play with each other and don't cause any trouble. Mummy gets to do some chores, eats some and relax some. My morning today was such a soft morning, I loved it.

Almost normal.

I went out with my children for fun day yesterday and I was happy to see that I am back to normal. I was feeling fine, not tired and was able to enjoy the couple of hours we spent outside. Yeah it is going to be more difficult with a baby on board. but feeling physically good really helps. All my physical problems are clearing away, now I have to try and focus a bit more to get my life back in order.