Saturday, November 11, 2006

A worrying thought

As a mother the world starts taking on a new perspective. It is not about you anymore, the future, the seemingly far away future starts to matter. You start wanting a better world for your children, and even a better future. I am sure that every mother in the world feels the same way.

What is worrying me these days as a muslim mother is another story. I mean you want a good economy, good quality of life, good environment, safety and security for your children. But these days every time I hear the news or read a piece of article in a magazine I worry specifically because I am a muslim.

I certainly want my children to grow up with my believes and be practicing muslims. What I am worried about the growing, on going trend in the western media of criticising Islam. You open a western magazine or newspaper these days and there bound to be an article about an Islamic issue, mostly with a negative, judgemental approach.

And I just wonder and worry, are my children going to grow up in a world where their religion and its followers are being prosecuted. Are they going to be attacked, humiliated because of their religion.

I really can't udnerstand this western trend of attacking Islam and criticising its practicies. The western media shows respect to all other religions and believes, whether God sent or human made. Why then the constant critic and attack on Islam. And if the media is taking this trend what is the feeling of the majjority of the people in the west? Does the media replicate their feelings or is it trying to influence them?

I am not writing this to present any kind of defense for my religion. I think I don't need to. But it is mainly the thought of a mother who wants a good life for her children, who wants a world where humans are judged according to their own conduct, not the color of their skin, or the way they worship, or the place they come from. Do you think the way things are going in our world the future will be anything like that?

There is one thing Islam teaches us, is to treat others the way one likes to be treated. I certainly try my best to adhere to that, I will raise my children according to it, and hope that one day every person will think this way before they act.


amaikoe said...

if only there were more people like you in the world we wouldnt have come to this T_T
the problem is also with the muslim people doing wrong in public or worse, not defending their good sides (and there are alot)
good luck and god be with you *_*

Anonymous said...

i understand how you feel. As a muslim convert, and being the only muslim amongst my families, i'm still trying so hard to defend my religion. And that is so true that there are lots of black propaganda against islam in non-muslim communities. There are still thousands of people who are blinded and still have wrong connotations about our religion. And if only those poor innocents would be given da'wa and discover the teachings of islam i know they'll realize that this is what they've been searching all through their lives... just like me!

pragensis said...

No, thanks, desert maiden. Some teachings of islam are not to our taste, especially those that call for jihad (and don't tell me that jihad is inner fight, we heard that lie too many times). So, yes, islam is not very popular outside the muslim countries and for a very good reason. Like, you know, 9/11? We naively believed islam to be a religion of peace but after 9/11 the more curious among us opened the Koran and found many exhortations to violence. Hence our hostility, not to the individuals who were born muslims, but to the concept of islam. The so-called black propaganda is based on real concerns. So please do not call us "poor innocents". That's what we used to be.