So yes I have realized four years ago when I first became pregnant that the joys of pregnancy are mythical. And now being pregnant for the third time, fourth really if you want to precise, first one ended in a miscarriage. So I am reminded again of the joys.
My first pregnancy was terrible, hated every minute of it. Second one was a little better, so I thought maybe this time it will even be easier, think again sweetie.
Let me give you an idea of what is going on with me (warning thought, some images maybe disturbing!!!):
- Nausea around the clock, with sickness and vomiting almost a couple of times a day
- Dizziness round the clock
- Can’t get a good deep sleep
- Joints and bone pains all the time
- Lower back pain,,,all the time
OK I am not going to keep on saying “all the time”, you get it already
- I can’t drink water
- I get goose bumps when I shower or come in contact with water
- I can’t brush my teeth, because it induces vomiting
- I have very dry hands and feet, and oily face, but I find it difficult to use skin care stuff because of smells and textures that make me uncomfortable, not my usual thing, I am usually a products junky.
- Increased perspiration
- Shortness of breath
- I can’t bend down cos I feel like suffocating if I do
- Headaches, that I can’t take any pain killers for.
- Stuffed nose
- Sinus pain
- Oily scalp and dry ends of hair
- Aversion to all smells, even that of my own children
-Skin darkens all over
- Can’t see well, my vision sort of deteriorates during pregnancy!!!
- Lack of focus
- I change from a night owl to a morning person
In short pregnancy for me put a whole new meaning to being uncomfortable in your own skin.
Now you may wondering why am I bothering the universe with such details? Well, I just think that pregnancy complaints are usually underestimated by people and women though they complain, are usually not precise in what they say. So here it is.
You remind me of some friends who weren'y comfortable thorugh out their pregnancies.
They didn't tell us that in medical school. I think some (Normal) things are more difficult than we might imagine.
God help you.
Yeah, pregnancy is no friend of mine.
Thanks for the thought.
Oh my God, you have my life. I couldn't belive it when I read it, but you have my life. The only difference is that I just delivered #3 in October. please send me an email address on my blog on blogspot, I think we may already know each other and if we don't, we should!
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