Usually I rant a lot about pregnancy on this blog, since I started posting I had to express how bad it makes me feel every time. But this time I did not. Not that it made me feel great or anything, it was as awful as overtime, I just had nothing more to add.
But this time thinking that I am prepared for everything, after all I have been through 6 pregnancies, 3 births and 3 miscarriages I was not happily surprised with some problems during my least month.
First, my Blood press was less than stable, one day high and one day law. Second the baby seemed to be moving about in my uterus too much, I go to the doctor one day and he is head down, the second visit he is sideways… At which I tried to do the Spinning Babies technique (there is a website) and maybe it helped I can't tell for sure. All I can say is that when the baby was sideways I was in a lot of pain, and after doing their poses the pain was gone and on my next visit the baby was head down again.
Third, just a day before my due date I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy can you imagine… And then I find out that pregnant women in their third trimester are actually at higher risk of Palsy… LIke we need this.
So here I go to my doctor a day before my due date and tell him all about it, and he finds out that my BP is going higher again so he recommends induction on my due date. Primarily for the Blood pressure and because of the baby's movement and the size; he is expecting the baby to be tad big.
So crying my eyes out next day I head to the hospital.
OK I guess the rest have to wait.