I am in a very pleasant mood right now. And feel like I love my life.
My soon to be 6 years old is finished with her first year of school. And I was getting too emotional about it. I come close to tears every time I think about it. Next year two of my daughters will be going to school and I love the thought. Specially now that I found what seems to be and hope it is true, a great school. This school offers a different environment than usual schools here and at the same time keeps standard of eduction and discipline good. I am speaking of what I have noticed during my visits and of what I have been told when asked about it. My 6 years old is joining this school next year. but my 4 years old is joining the same Pre-K her sister went to this past year. My experience with them was excellent, so I am giving them number 2. I am just excited for them and it is just wonderful to see them doing things.
Right now I am enjoying having all my lovely girls with me at home and not having to worry so much about them when they are away.